3D vir­tu­al gal­le­ry tours

Due to the rapid­ly chan­ging pan­de­mic mea­su­res and the fre­qu­ent clo­su­re of cul­tu­ral ins­ti­tu­ti­ons, we are also pre­pa­ring vir­tu­al tours for exhi­bi­ti­ons, which will allow spec­ta­tors a quali­ty visit to the gal­le­ry from the com­fort of the­ir home.

Fre­e­dom of Spe­ech Memo­rial Pre­ss Con­fe­ren­ce (Decem­ber 20, 2021)

The Trna­va self — gover­ning regi­on, in coope­ra­ti­on with sur­vi­ving fami­lies and the gene­ral pro­fes­si­onal pub­lic, announ­ced an art — archi­tec­tu­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on. Its goal is to cre­a­te a pla­ce of reve­ren­ce in the pla­ce of the tra­ge­dy of Ján Kuciak and Mar­ti­na Kuš­ní­ro­vá. The pur­po­se of buil­ding a monu­ment in the vil­la­ge of Veľ­ká Mača is to com­me­mo­ra­te, pre­ser­ve and encou­ra­ge peop­le to dis­cuss with due res­pect.

A pre­ss con­fe­ren­ce with the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of TTSK repre­sen­ta­ti­ves and the media took pla­ce on Decem­ber 20, 2021 in Umel­ka Gal­le­ry.

More infor­ma­ti­on about the com­pe­ti­ti­on on the web https://slobodaslova.sk/

Show your step 8 (Octo­ber 5, 2021)

The dan­ce pro­ject “Show Your Step”, orga­ni­zed by the Taneč­ná Scé­na plat­form, pre­sents talen­ted Slo­vak dan­cers from vari­ous dan­ce sty­les and indus­tries and accom­pa­nies the­ir move­ments and dan­ce self-expres­si­on in inte­res­ting artis­tic pla­ces.

The Umel­ka Gal­le­ry was part of the 8th part, whe­re during the exhi­bi­ti­on of the medal asso­cia­ti­on “Slo­vak Medal 2016–2020” the bre­a­king and con­cept Flow-to-go dan­cer Ondrej “El Prcin­ho” Hadi­dom demon­stra­ted.

You can read more here

Video for the exhi­bi­ti­on of Mar­ta Cha­ba­do­vá — Penet­ra­ti­ons (August 10–29, 2021)


In the link below, you can watch the video out­put of the Umel­ka Gal­le­ry wit­hin the Design wit­hout Bor­ders pro­ject, in which we par­ti­ci­pa­ted at least vir­tu­al­ly due to the pan­de­mic situ­ati­on: https://svu.sk/sk/galeria-umelka-v-projekte-dizajn-bez-hranic-2021/


Design Wit­hout Bor­ders (DBH), one of the most impor­tant inde­pen­dent exhi­bi­ti­ons and series of events focu­sing on all the arts in the regi­on, pre­sents works by desig­ners, fur­ni­tu­re, tex­ti­les and jewe­le­ry desig­ners and artists wor­king in other visu­al fields. Each year, about 150 desig­ners from more than 10 coun­tries get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent the­ir work to an audien­ce in this 16-year pro­ject. The exhi­bi­ti­on is enri­ched by a rich selec­ti­on of sis­ter art events.

In Octo­ber 2020, the exhi­bi­ti­on was ope­ned in Buda­pest. In 2021, it would also reach Bra­ti­sla­va and Vien­na; howe­ver, the­se were can­ce­led due to a pan­de­mic. Ins­te­ad, DBH’s inno­va­ti­ve vlog, which pre­mie­red on May 7, 2021, pre­sen­ted the works of 154 artists from 14 coun­tries in short videos 30 to 35 seconds long. At the same time, an onli­ne mee­ting took pla­ce at the FUGA BUDAPEST CENTER ARCHITECTURE, toget­her with Szil­vie Szi­ge­ti­’s “Futu­ris­tic” tex­ti­le col­lec­ti­on, Rita Góbi­’s dan­ce etu­de and a con­cert of con­tem­po­ra­ry clas­si­cal music by Róza Rad­nó­ti.

More here: https://svu.sk/sk/design-without-borders-dizajn-bez-hranic/

WORLD ART DAY (April 15, 2021)

The event took pla­ce on April 15, 2021, as part of the IAA Euro­pe Talks inter­na­ti­onal onli­ne con­fe­ren­ce on the occa­si­on of World Art Day (the reci­pient was in char­ge of orga­ni­zing and mode­ra­ting), an offi­cial UNESCO event, which was born from the begin­ning of SUVA.