Night of Muse­ums and Gal­le­ries

Night of Muse­ums and Gal­le­ries

Exhibition:Milan Slá­dek – Mime­Ar­tists’ Club: Dia­na Čiž­má­ro­vá and Róbert Makar – BOOKProgramme:15:00 Children’s cre­a­ti­ve works­hops with cos­tu­me and sta­ge desig­ner Zuzu Hudek16:00 Con­sul­ta­ti­ons with artists and tea­chers for tho­se inte­res­ted in...
Design wit­hout Bor­ders

Design wit­hout Bor­ders

  Design Wit­hout Bor­ders (DWB), one of the region’s most sig­ni­fi­cant inde­pen­dent all-arts exhi­bi­ti­ons and event series, sho­wca­ses works of desig­ners, fur­ni­tu­re, tex­ti­le and jewel­le­ry desig­ners and artists wor­king in other visu­al fields....
Ope­ning Hours during Holi­da­ys 2017

Ope­ning Hours during Holi­da­ys 2017

Ope­ning Hours of Gal­le­ry UMELKA during Chris­tmas holi­da­ys 2017 Until 22 Dec 2017 – Stan­dard Ope­ning Hours 23 Dec 2017 (Satur­day) — Clo­sed 24 Dec 2017 (Sun­day — Chris­tmas Eve) — Clo­sed 25 Dec 2017 (Mon­day — 1st Chris­tmas day) — Clo­sed 26 Dec 2017...


Na zákla­de spo­lu­prá­ce Slo­ven­skej výtvar­nej únie s Miest­nym úra­dom mest­skej čas­ti Bra­ti­sla­va — Sta­ré Mes­to ponú­ka­me vám MOŽNOSŤ VYSTAVOVANIA VO VÝSTAVNÝCH PRIESTOROCH V CENTRE MESTA. KDE: Zichy­ho palác (vstup pria­mo z uli­ce)....