Artists´ Club UMELKA

Club of Artists is cur­ren­tly under recons­truc­ti­on and the­re­fo­re not avaiab­le for rent.

The intro­duc­ti­on from the cata­lo­gue of Bien­na­le of Cre­a­ti­ve visu­al Arts. Fes­ti­ve ope­ning of the Club of Artists was a com­po­nent of ope­ning of Bien­na­le.

The tra­di­ti­on of the Bien­nial of Cre­a­ti­ve Visu­al Arts pre­sen­ting the mem­bers of the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts is still deve­lo­ping. This year the 2nd Bien­nial is being held. Nevert­he­less, we belie­ve that it has a futu­re. We hope that the Bien­nial is one of the right answers to the ques­ti­on of what the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts does for its mem­bers.

Natu­ral­ly, the­re are more right answers. Apart from orga­ni­sing exhi­bi­ti­ons, the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts is try­ing to resol­ve many ques­ti­ons con­nec­ted with the visu­al arts or with the legal and social posi­ti­on of artists. The Uni­on is an acti­ve mem­ber of the world orga­ni­sa­ti­on of visu­al artists IAA/AIAP – UNESCO, par­ti­ci­pa­tes in the solu­ti­on and in dra­wing up cons­truc­ti­ve pro­po­sals for the bene­fit of the who­le cul­tu­ral sphe­re wit­hin the Slo­vak Coali­ti­on for Cul­tu­ral Diver­si­ty, coope­ra­tes with the res­pec­ti­ve Slo­vak and fore­ign ins­ti­tu­ti­ons, and so on.

The­se are the major issu­es and natu­ral­ly, the list of cur­rent prob­lems would be long. Howe­ver, today we would like to draw atten­ti­on to a spe­ci­fic ambi­ti­on of the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts: what about doing somet­hing for ple­a­su­re? What about making the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts the pla­ce whe­re prob­lems could be resol­ved but also the pla­ce whe­re we can feel well and at home?

The Bien­nial of Cre­a­ti­ve Visu­al Arts should enab­le a regu­lar pre­sen­ta­ti­on and mutu­al awa­re­ness of con­tem­po­ra­ry work. Howe­ver, we would also like to cre­a­te spa­ce for the mutu­al unders­tan­ding of (not only) visu­al artists, for resu­ming com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, for dia­lo­gue bet­we­en gene­ra­ti­ons, a spa­ce enab­ling the over­co­ming of the bar­riers bet­we­en rat­her iso­la­ted groups of artists lac­king mutu­al con­tact, so cha­rac­te­ris­tic for the art sce­ne in Slo­va­kia in pre­vi­ous years.

The­re­fo­re, an integ­ral part of the ope­ning of the Bien­nial is the ope­ning of the Artists’ Club in the pre­mi­ses of the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts. More pre­ci­se­ly: to reopen the club after almost twen­ty years. It is sur­pri­sing that we do not even know exact­ly when and why the Club was clo­sed down. Per­haps we were so into­xi­ca­ted by the newly regai­ned fre­e­dom and democ­ra­cy, by the unan­ti­ci­pa­ted oppor­tu­ni­ties which ope­ned up for us that we did not even noti­ce it. It cea­sed to exist slo­wly, quiet­ly and incons­pi­cu­ous­ly…

Per­haps we felt – a litt­le naive­ly – strong enough, or we did not want to sha­re the new oppor­tu­ni­ties we “felt” in the air with any­o­ne. Appa­ren­tly, art is pri­ma­ri­ly indi­vi­du­al; it is cre­a­ted in the soli­tu­de of the stu­di­os (in con­trast to the work of the­at­re-makers who are used to rely­ing on tea­mwork). Eve­ry artist “pla­ys” par­ti­cu­lar­ly for him­self.

Yes, we are dif­fe­rent, and it is all right.

Howe­ver, we have again the pla­ce whe­re all artists are wel­co­me – not only visu­al artists and the mem­bers of the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts. The pla­ce whe­re we can meet and – in spi­te of many dif­fe­ren­ces – infor­mal­ly seek what con­nects us. The pla­ce whe­re we can – often in spi­te of vast­ly dif­fe­rent artis­tic con­cepts – seek the solu­ti­ons to basic “guild” prob­lems that wor­ry all artists. The pla­ce whe­re we can enjoy mee­ting our col­le­a­gu­es or friends and sha­re our joys.

Wel­co­me home friends.

Pavol Kral
Pre­si­dent of the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts


Artists´ Club UMELKA
Dostojevského rad 2
811 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
3rd floor
Main entrance from the side of the building
next to garden entryway
(2nd Entry into the Club Staircase from the Foyer of the SUVA Gallery)