About Pro­ject

Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts is imple­men­ting a pro­ject sup­por­ted by a grant from EEA grants and sta­te bud­get of Slo­vak Repub­lic:

“UMELKA – Modern Cen­ter of Art and Com­mu­ni­ty (UMELKA)”


The pro­ject is focu­sed on the deve­lop­ment of intan­gib­le cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge, the so-cal­led Ume­lec­ka Bese­da. The pro­ject will also con­cen­tra­te on the deve­lop­ment of artis­tic acti­vi­ties in the buil­ding of the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts as an open non-poli­ti­cal pro­fes­si­onal umbrel­la orga­ni­za­ti­on of asso­cia­ti­ons of pro­fes­si­onal artists and the­orists based on coope­ra­ti­on with par­tners from donor coun­tries (Nor­way, Ice­land, Liech­tens­te­in). The pro­ject focu­ses also on the inc­lu­si­on of mino­ri­ties through spe­cia­li­zed acti­vi­ties for the Roma, Jewish, Hun­ga­rian and LGBT com­mu­ni­ties and the use of the artis­tic and cre­a­ti­ve poten­tial of young peop­le.

The pro­ject is imple­men­ted exc­lu­si­ve­ly in the so-cal­led UMELKA buil­ding loca­ted in Bratislava’s Old Town, which is a nati­onal cul­tu­ral monu­ment regis­te­red in the cen­tral list of the cul­tu­ral monu­ments  and belo­ngs to the city’s monu­ments reser­ve.

The aim of the pro­ject is to inc­re­a­se quali­ty of cul­tu­ral and artis­tic acti­vi­ties using ins­pi­ra­ti­on from good inter­na­ti­onal prac­ti­ce in clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with fore­ign par­tners.

The pro­ject aims to make the buil­ding as acces­sib­le as possib­le for phy­si­cal­ly and visu­al­ly disad­van­ta­ged peop­le. In addi­ti­on, the newly built mul­ti­func­ti­onal pavi­li­on will be ful­ly bar­rier-free and the main Gal­le­ry will be given a stair clim­ber, which will make the uni­que spa­ces tru­ly acces­sib­le to the enti­re pub­lic. Infor­ma­ti­on boards will be ins­tal­led so that they also meet the requ­ire­ments for the sight­less or tho­se with visu­al impair­ments.

At the same time, acti­vi­ties for the wider com­mu­ni­ty and edu­ca­ti­onal acti­vi­ties aimed at com­ba­ting extre­mism, radi­ca­lism and hate spe­ech will be imple­men­ted, also with the sup­port of the artis­tic com­mu­ni­ty and expe­rien­ce from fore­ign par­tners. The UMELKA cen­ter has the ambi­ti­on to enter the next cen­tu­ry of its ope­ra­ti­on and beco­me a modern cen­ter not only of artis­tic but also cul­tu­ral and social life of Slo­va­kia with sig­ni­fi­cant inter­na­ti­onal acti­vi­ties att­rac­ti­ve for domes­tic and fore­ign visi­tors to the city. The use of a nati­onal cul­tu­ral monu­ment res­pects its his­to­ri­cal value and ori­gi­nal func­ti­on. The acti­vi­ties of the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts will be bene­fi­cial for the sus­tai­nab­le func­ti­oning of the nati­onal cul­tu­ral monu­ment, the deve­lop­ment of quali­ty artis­tic cre­a­ti­on with a sig­ni­fi­cant inter­na­ti­onal impact.



Infor­ma­ti­ons about pro­ject

Pro­ject code: CLT01010
Prog­ram­me: Cul­tu­ral Enter­pre­ne­urs­hip, Cul­tu­ral Heri­ta­ge and Cul­tu­ral Coope­ra­ti­on
Imple­men­ta­ti­on peri­od: 07/2020 – 04/2024
Grant awar­ded: 807 840 EUR



Donor pro­ject par­tner

SÍM—Samband Íslen­skra Mynd­lis­tar­man­na (The Assos­cia­ton of Ice­lan­dic Visu­al Artists)



About EEA Grants

The EEA Grants repre­sent the con­tri­bu­ti­on of Ice­land, Liech­tens­te­in and Nor­way towards a gre­en, com­pe­ti­ti­ve and inc­lu­si­ve Euro­pe.

The­re are two ove­rall objec­ti­ves: reduc­ti­on of eco­no­mic and social dis­pa­ri­ties in Euro­pe, and to strengt­hen bila­te­ral rela­ti­ons bet­we­en the donor coun­tries and 15 EU coun­tries in Cen­tral and Sout­hern Euro­pe and the Bal­tics.

The three donor coun­tries coope­ra­te clo­se­ly with the EU through the Agre­e­ment on the Euro­pe­an Eco­no­mic Area (EEA). The donors have pro­vi­ded €3.3 bil­li­on through con­se­cu­ti­ve grant sche­mes bet­we­en 1994 and 2014. For the peri­od 2014–2021, the EEA Grants amount to €1.55 bil­li­on. The pri­ori­ties for this peri­od are:

#1 Inno­va­ti­on, Rese­arch, Edu­ca­ti­on and Com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness
#2 Social Inc­lu­si­on, Youth Emplo­y­ment and Pover­ty Reduc­ti­on
#3 Envi­ron­ment, Ener­gy, Cli­ma­te Chan­ge and Low Car­bon Eco­no­my
#4 Cul­tu­re, Civil Socie­ty, Good Gover­nan­ce and Fun­da­men­tal Rights
#5 Jus­ti­ce and Home Affairs

The EEA Grants are join­tly finan­ced by Ice­land, Liech­tens­te­in and Nor­way, who­se con­tri­bu­ti­ons are based on the­ir GDP.

Eli­gi­bi­li­ty for the Grants mir­ror the cri­te­ria set for the EU Cohe­si­on Fund aimed at mem­ber coun­tries whe­re the Gross Nati­onal Inco­me (GNI) per inha­bi­tant is less than 90% of the EU ave­ra­ge.

All pro­jects are co-finan­ced by the Sta­te Bud­get of the Slo­vak Repub­lic in the amount of 15%.