
Night of Muse­ums and Gal­le­ries

Milan Slá­dek – Mime
Artists’ Club: Dia­na Čiž­má­ro­vá and Róbert Makar – BOOK
15:00 Children’s cre­a­ti­ve works­hops with cos­tu­me and sta­ge desig­ner Zuzu Hudek
16:00 Con­sul­ta­ti­ons with artists and tea­chers for tho­se inte­res­ted in stu­dy­ing at art scho­ols (Bra­ňo Jelen­čík, FoA STU and Robo Makar, AFAD)
17:00 Use the used, works­hop for chil­dren and adults with tex­ti­le desig­ner Soňa Sadíl­ko­vá
18:00 Make paper on your own, works­hop with res­to­rer Mar­tin Šot­to­vá

19:00 Pho­tos with the per­so­na­li­ty of the exhi­bi­ti­on

19:30 Exhi­bi­ti­on finis­sa­ge