Design wit­hout Bor­ders

Design wit­hout Bor­ders

  Design Wit­hout Bor­ders (DWB), one of the region’s most sig­ni­fi­cant inde­pen­dent all-arts exhi­bi­ti­ons and event series, sho­wca­ses works of desig­ners, fur­ni­tu­re, tex­ti­le and jewel­le­ry desig­ners and artists wor­king in other visu­al fields....
PF 2021

PF 2021

Dear col­le­a­gu­es and friends, Allow me, on behalf of the enti­re team of the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts, to thank you for your coope­ra­ti­on and sup­port in 2020 and wish you all the best, much suc­cess, joy, well-being, but espe­cial­ly good health and many...