The Muse­um and the Aca­de­my of Chil­dre­n’s Art orga­ni­zes the 8th BIENNALE Chil­dre­n’s Art, thus embra­cing love, pea­ce, friends­hip and soli­da­ri­ty among the peop­les of the world.
Through this con­test we build brid­ges of love among the peop­les of the world, res­pec­ting the­ir pecu­lia­ri­ty and the­ir tra­di­ti­on.

The the­me we cho­se in the 8th Bien­na­le 2018–2019 is:
Art with fla­vors, colors and frag­ran­ces
It con­cerns our diet and deco­ra­ti­on of  our dis­hes on the tab­le, as art and as cul­tu­re.

The art of eating is a gre­at part of our life.
It begins from the cul­ti­va­ti­on of raw mate­rials, which vary from coun­try to coun­try.
The way of cul­ti­va­ti­on, bio­di­ver­si­ty, the fru­its and plants which feed the peop­le on the pla­net, are a uni­que repre­sen­ta­ti­on of ima­ges that vary accor­ding to the geog­rap­hi­cal lengths and widths of the coun­tries.
They begin from cul­ti­va­ti­on and they come to the orchard, the gar­den, the field, the fis­hing and the hun­ting, till the har­vest.
Hand­ma­de or through tech­ni­cal pro­ces­sing, dai­ly food, arri­ves at our home.
Cooking, smells, fla­vors and deco­ra­ti­on, make up much of the cul­tu­re of the peop­les.
The poor or rich food on the tab­le, alwa­ys brings toget­her the fami­ly or friends and they all sha­re around this tab­le, the­ir joy, the­ir hap­pi­ness or the­ir sad­ness.

This is a gene­ral pic­tu­re of the civi­li­zed world, but the­re is also a lar­ge part of the popu­la­ti­on of the Earth who is hun­gry and lives under ter­rib­le con­di­ti­ons.
The gre­at need for food has led scien­tists to pro­du­ce mutant foods that are immen­se­ly ente­ring our tab­le but we do not know what impact this will have on human’s health.
What is the futu­re of the food for next gene­ra­ti­ons?

All chil­dren from 4 to 17 years of age may enter by sen­ding a small pie­ce of the­ir souls and thoughts.

Ple­a­se inform the agen­cies (scho­ols, cul­tu­ral cen­ters, muse­ums and pain­ting works­hops) for the World Bien­na­le 2018–2019  Con­test.

Your coun­try­’s par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on is par­ti­cu­lar­ly impor­tant in this glo­bal event.

Thank you in advan­ce.

With Best Regards

The Pre­si­dent

Aca­de­my and the Muse­um of Chil­dre­n’s Art

Lita Mav­ro­ge­ni

8η Bien­na­le 2018–2019