Regu­la­ti­ons of the 7th Bei­jing Inter­na­ti­onal Art Bien­na­le, Chi­na 2017

Bei­jing Inter­na­ti­onal Art Bien­na­le (Bei­jing Bien­na­le for short) was ini­tia­ted in 2003, with the rati­fi­ca­ti­on of the Sta­te Coun­cil and fun­ded finan­cial­ly. It is join­tly spon­so­red by the Chi­na Fede­ra­ti­on of Lite­ra­ry and Art Circ­les, the Govern­ment of Bei­jing Muni­ci­pa­li­ty and the Chi­na Artists Asso­cia­ti­on, and it is an inter­na­ti­onal aca­de­mic exhi­bi­ti­on with its uni­que mode which was rati­fied by the Cen­tral Govern­ment. We have so far held the Bei­jing Bien­na­le suc­ces­si­ve­ly for 6 times in 2003, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2015. The par­ti­ci­pa­ting coun­tries have rea­ched from 45 to 96, the par­ti­ci­pa­ting artists have tota­led more than 3600 and the visi­tors have been more than 1 mil­li­on during the past 10 years. As a plat­form for inter­na­ti­onal cul­tu­ral exchan­ges, Bei­jing Bien­na­le adopts the coope­ra­ti­ve mode of the Chi­ne­se Cura­to­rial Com­mit­tee and the inter­na­ti­onal cura­tors. We adhe­re to the idea of making efforts to build a spe­ci­fic inter­na­ti­onal plat­form, and the Bei­jing Bien­na­le is prai­sed as the big­gest art bien­na­le with its exhi­bits main­ly con­sis­ting of pain­tings and sculp­tu­res. Through the con­cep­ti­on of pro­mo­ting the glo­bal har­mo­ny by the con­tem­po­ra­ry artis­tic exhi­bi­ti­on and res­pec­ting the varie­ty of the inter­na­ti­onal cul­tu­re and advi­ce of equ­al con­ver­sa­ti­on bet­we­en the orient and occi­dent cul­tu­re, Bei­jing Bien­na­le has obtai­ned the app­ro­ba­ti­on and the sup­port from more and more artists across the world.


  1. The Desig­na­ti­on of the Exhi­bi­ti­on

The 7th Bei­jing Inter­na­ti­onal Art Bien­na­le, Chi­na 2017 (The 7th Bei­jing Bien­na­le for short)


  1. Dura­ti­on, Venue and Sum of Exhi­bits

Dura­ti­on: Sep­tem­ber 24th to Octo­ber 15th, 2017 (to be deter­mi­ned)

Venue: Nati­onal Art Muse­um of Chi­na, Bei­jing

Sum of Exhi­bits: 600 or so

Some selec­ted fore­ign works are plan­ned to exhi­bit in Shenz­hen


III. The The­me of the 7th Bei­jing Bien­na­le

The­me: The Silk Road and World’s Civi­li­za­ti­ons


Inter­pre­ta­ti­on of the the­me:

Inter­pre­ta­ti­on: In 1877, Ger­man geog­rap­her Fer­di­nand von Richt­ho­fen named for the first time the ancient traf­fic rou­te con­nec­ting Chi­na and the West the “Silk Road”. Ori­gi­nal­ly, the Silk Road refer­red to the land rou­te ope­ned up toget­her by Chi­ne­se Han Dynas­ty emis­sa­ry Zhang Qian et al. and the peop­les of coun­tries along it, but later this inc­lu­ded the “Mari­ti­me Silk Road.” The Silk Road is not only an eco­no­mic and tra­de rou­te, but also a way of cul­tu­ral exchan­ges. Desert cara­vans car­ried away silk, cera­mics, paper from the Cen­tral Plains in the Han and Tang Dynas­ties, and brought Budd­hism, pipa and spi­ces from the Wes­tern regi­on. The sto­ries of Chi­ne­se monks Xuanzang’s west­bound pilg­ri­ma­ge and Jianzhen’s east­bound voy­age, as well as the legend of Ita­lian tra­ve­ler Mar­co Polo, add a roman­tic color to the Silk Road. Chi­na, India, Iran, Arab, Gre­ek and Roman civi­li­za­ti­ons were ent­wi­ned on the ancient Silk Road, upda­ting and enri­ching the world civi­li­za­ti­ons. The Silk Road was the bond lin­king world civi­li­za­ti­ons, the main road bet­we­en East and West cul­tu­res; as a wit­ness of mutu­al lear­ning of the world’s civi­li­za­ti­ons, it has beco­me a sym­bol of East-West cul­tu­ral exchan­ges. The exchan­ges and mutu­al lear­ning of world civi­li­za­ti­ons, equ­al dia­lo­gue and com­ple­men­ta­ry advan­ta­ges of eas­tern and wes­tern cul­tu­res and the com­mon human dre­am of world pea­ce and deve­lop­ment cons­ti­tu­te the ever new spi­rit of the Silk Road. Now many ancient cities along the Silk Road have been redu­ced to rubb­le, but the Silk Road spi­rit is time­less. The the­me of 7th Bei­jing Inter­na­ti­onal Art Bien­na­le, 2017– The “Silk Road and World’s Civi­li­za­ti­ons” is aimed to pro­mo­te the Silk Road spi­rit, mutu­al lear­ning of world civi­li­za­ti­ons, the exchan­ge and integ­ra­ti­on of con­tem­po­ra­ry East-West cul­tu­res, and the rea­li­za­ti­on of com­mon human dre­am of world pea­ce­ful deve­lop­ment. Artists are not limi­ted to coun­tries along the Silk Road, but we will inc­lu­de artists around the world, becau­se the spi­rit of the Silk Road has sha­red spi­ri­tu­al valu­es of man­kind; it has att­rac­ted the atten­ti­on of con­tem­po­ra­ry artists around the world. Sub­ject mat­ter of the exhi­bits is not limi­ted to depic­ting the ancient Silk Road sites, not just nos­tal­gia, but rat­her we focus on the Silk Road spi­rit — show the spi­rit of mutu­al lear­ning of the world civi­li­za­ti­ons, in par­ti­cu­lar the spi­rit of con­tem­po­ra­ry East-West cul­tu­ral integ­ra­ti­on. Once, the Renais­san­ce in Euro­pe had bene­fi­ted from the East-West cul­tu­ral exchan­ges on the Silk Road; today, the world civi­li­za­ti­ons con­ver­ge in the new Silk Road in the 21st cen­tu­ry, and we will meet the ear­ly arri­val of a gre­at new era of con­tem­po­ra­ry Eas­tern and Wes­tern Renais­san­ce.


  1. Requ­ire­ments for Par­ti­ci­pa­ting Artists and Works

Works for the Bei­jing Bien­na­le are expec­ted to come from all over the world and influ­en­tial artists and the­ir repre­sen­ta­ti­ve works will be selec­ted from vari­ous par­ti­ci­pa­ting coun­tries. The works to be exhi­bi­ted would be main­ly com­po­sed of pain­tings and sculp­tu­res. Howe­ver, a cer­tain amount of video and ins­tal­la­ti­on works are also accep­tab­le.

  1. Par­ti­ci­pa­ting artists of the Bei­jing Bien­na­le, domes­tic and inter­na­ti­onal, con­sist of spe­cial­ly invi­ted ones and free ones. The Cura­to­rial Com­mit­tee is to make the deci­si­on on the list of the invi­ted artists, and fre­e­ly par­ti­ci­pa­ting works are wel­co­med from all over the world.
  2. As a rule, par­ti­ci­pa­ting works should be com­ple­ted in the last 5 years and should be of high aest­he­tic tas­te and artis­tic quali­ty. If the works are at cer­tain agen­cies or col­lec­ted by other peop­le, the artists are obli­ga­ted to con­tact the­se agents and col­lec­tors. If the fai­lu­re of con­tact results that the works could not par­ti­ci­pa­te in the Bien­na­le, the artists will lose his selec­ti­on quali­fi­ca­ti­on. The aut­hor should not chan­ge the works wit­hout aut­ho­ri­za­ti­on; other­wi­se the Cura­to­rial Com­mit­tee would refu­se the sub­sti­tu­tes.
  3. The mini­mum size of dra­wing work should not be smal­ler than 1.2×1.2m (inc­lu­ding fra­me) in prin­cip­le, or lar­ger than 3.0×3.0m (inc­lu­ding fra­me). The mini­mum size of a sculp­tu­re is 0.5 m³ (the sum­ma­ti­on of the size of lengt­hwi­se, the trans­ver­se and the height should not be smal­ler than 1.5m), and the maxi­mum size is 2 m³ (the sum­ma­ti­on of size of the lengt­hwi­se, the trans­ver­se and the height should not be big­ger than 6m); the weight of a sin­gle work should not be over 150 kg, with all parts join­ted firm­ly, and the who­le item should be stab­le, non-fading and non-defor­ming. Regar­ding to how to pre­sent the art­works, it needs to be under the requ­ire­ments of the Muse­um. If you have any spe­cial requ­est, ple­a­se con­tact the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee befo­re July, 2017.
  4. The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee has the right to refu­se to exhi­bit works which are not in accor­dan­ce with the forms sub­mit­ted by artists or which are over­si­zed, over­we­ig­hed, noisy, mil­de­wed, smel­ly, easy to leak liqu­id, dif­fi­cult to tran­s­port and arran­ge for exhi­bi­ti­on or dan­ge­rous to visi­tors and muse­um.
  5. If the selec­ted work is invol­ved into any unsett­led his­to­ric mat­ters, the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee reser­ves the right to disqu­ali­fy the entry from selec­ti­on, exhi­bi­ti­on, pub­li­ca­ti­on and par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on into the sym­po­sium.


  1. How to Par­ti­ci­pa­te and Rela­ted Sche­du­le
  2. All artists should each sub­mit the pho­tos wit­hin 3 works to the Cura­to­rial Com­mit­tee for selec­ti­on and should send Regi­stra­ti­on Form for Par­ti­ci­pa­ting Artists and Cap­ti­on of Works for the 7th Bei­jing Inter­na­ti­onal Art Bien­na­le, Chi­na 2017. You can down­lo­ad the forms from the web­si­te of the Bei­jing Bien­na­le (cf. XII. Con­tact Infor­ma­ti­on) or get them from the Bei­jing Bien­na­le Offi­ce (for free). All the blanks in the form should be fil­led in. Except for the sig­na­tu­re, all the con­tents in the form need to be fil­led in via com­pu­ter and prin­ted out. Mate­rials will not be accep­ted bey­ond the dead­li­ne.

Par­ti­ci­pa­ting artists need to attach 2 per­so­nal color pho­tos at the size of 2 inches with the regi­stra­ti­on forms. Mean­whi­le, an elect­ro­nic ima­ge of the same per­so­nal pho­to no smal­ler than 1Mb accor­ding to the requ­ire­ments of prin­ting (in com­pact disc) is also requ­ired.

  1. The dead­li­ne for you to send by post all requ­ired mate­rial is Decem­ber 25th, 2016. Ple­a­se send by post the forms with your han­dwrit­ten sig­na­tu­re, color pho­tos of the works (The size of the pho­to is sup­po­sed to be 12 inches, and each sculp­tu­re should be mat­ched with 3 pho­tos from dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves. On the back of the pho­to the­re should be the fol­lo­wing infor­ma­ti­on: name of the artist, tit­le, size, mate­rials and so on. Assem­bled works should be atta­ched with detai­led ins­tal­la­ti­on ins­truc­ti­on), com­pact disc (the elect­ro­nic ima­ge of your­self por­trait need to be no smal­ler than 1Mb, the art­works no smal­ler than 4Mb) to the Bei­jing Bien­na­le Offi­ce befo­re Decem­ber 25th, 2016 for the cura­tors’ selec­ti­on. (cf. XII. Con­tact Infor­ma­ti­on) Ple­a­se keep the trac­king num­ber of your deli­ve­ry for your con­ve­nien­ce.

All mate­rials rela­ted with the par­ti­ci­pa­ting works would not be retur­ned.

  1. No regi­stra­ti­on or par­ti­ci­pa­ting fee.
  2. The cura­to­rial com­mit­tee will select exhi­bits from all the works by vir­tue of the­ir pho­tos at the end of March, 2017. The result will be dec­la­red later at the offi­cial web­si­te of the Bei­jing Bien­na­le. Mean­whi­le, the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee will send an offi­cial let­ter to the selec­ted artists to cla­ri­fy the duties, rights and obli­ga­ti­ons of both sides. The offi­cial invi­ta­ti­on let­ter will be sent to repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of selec­ted artists after com­ple­ti­on of the pro­ce­du­res for the app­ro­val of fore­ign affairs.
  3. The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee reser­ves the rights as fol­lo­ws: fre­e­ly exhi­bi­ting the selec­ted and invi­ted works, fre­e­ly taking pho­tos of the­se works and making use of the­se pho­tos free of char­ge, fre­e­ly and pub­lic­ly making use of the artists’ per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on in the regi­stra­ti­on forms and at the web­si­te wit­hout con­cer­ned expen­ses to the artist for inter­na­ti­onal pub­li­ci­ty of the exhi­bi­ti­on and the pub­li­ca­ti­on of the cata­lo­gue.


  1. Moun­ting, Pac­ka­ging, Ship­ping and Insu­ran­ce of Art Works
  2. The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee covers the cost of round-trip tran­s­por­ta­ti­on of fore­ign works. For the domes­tic exhi­bits, we cover only the retur­ning cost.
  3. The artists are res­pon­sib­le for ins­tal­ling fra­mes for the­ir pain­ting works. Oil pain­ting should be firm­ly fas­te­ned on the exter­nal fra­me, and nails and other sharp objects should not be prot­ru­ding from the inter­nal or exter­nal fra­mes. Prints, water­co­lors and pas­tels should not be moun­ted on fra­mes with glass sur­fa­ce. Howe­ver, orga­nic glass or trans­pa­rent plas­tic board can be used. The par­ti­ci­pants should pre­pa­re by them­sel­ves if spe­cial need of disp­la­y­ing tab­le. Works cre­a­ted with other media need to be furt­her dis­cus­sed.
  4. The par­ti­ci­pa­ting artists should cover the cost of round-trip insu­ran­ce of tran­s­por­ta­ti­on by them­sel­ves for the­ir works. The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee will be res­pon­sib­le for the insu­ran­ce of the works of the the­me exhi­bi­ti­on during the exhi­bi­ti­on.
  5. The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee will time­ly inform inter­na­ti­onal artists the aut­ho­ri­zed tran­s­por­ta­ti­on com­pa­ny which will con­tact with the off-bound artists in a time­ly man­ner by web­si­te announ­ce­ments and e‑mail. Befo­re May 31st 2017, all the artists from abro­ad are requ­ired to deli­ver your art­work to the logis­tics com­pa­ny appo­in­ted by the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee after Heat Tre­at­ment or met­hyl Bro­mi­de fumi­ga­ti­on. Ple­a­se cle­ar­ly mark the art­work num­ber infor­med by the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee at the out­si­de of all pac­ka­ges. To faci­li­ta­te the cus­toms cle­a­ran­ce, all non-manu­fac­tu­red wood/original wood pac­ka­ging mate­rials (inc­lu­ding all the pac­ka­ge mate­rials, such as wood case, pad and wed­ge) must be tre­a­ted by Heat Tre­at­ment or met­hyl Bro­mi­de fumi­ga­ti­on at the ori­gin and the artist are requ­ired to put the mark of IPPC on 2 oppo­si­te sides of the wooden pac­ka­ging mate­rials. All of pac­ka­ging char­ges will be affor­ded by artists them­sel­ves. Ple­a­se note, logis­tics will not door-to-door pick up your art­work.

Befo­re August 31st 2017, domes­tic par­ti­ci­pants should send direct­ly door to door pac­ka­ged works to the desig­na­ted add­ress of our Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee in time, with the art­work num­ber infor­med by the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee on the box. The par­ti­ci­pants should cover the arri­val cost of the works. The return cost of the works will be cove­red by the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee.

Selec­ted par­ti­ci­pants should send the selec­ted works to the tran­s­port agent in time. If the artists chan­ge works wit­hout get­ting aut­ho­ri­za­ti­on, the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee has the right to refu­se the works. If the selec­ted works can­not be trans­fer­red to the agent or to the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee in time, we are not res­pon­sib­le for the­ir mis­sing the exhi­bi­ti­on.

If artists send works which have not been selec­ted to the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee or to the venue of the exhi­bi­ti­on, the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee will refu­se to accept the works and have no obli­ga­ti­on to pro­tect or return them.

  1. If works (inc­lu­ding the works of the Spe­cial Exhi­bi­ti­on) are dama­ged due to inapp­rop­ria­te pac­ka­ge, dama­ged, bro­ken or defor­med becau­se of the­ir ins­ta­bi­li­ty and infir­mi­ty during tran­s­por­ta­ti­on, the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee will inform the artist in time and will not be in a posi­ti­on to com­pen­sa­te for the loss.
  2. The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee will be res­pon­sib­le for retur­ning the works. If the selec­ted artists abro­ad send the­ir works to the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee wit­hout the assis­tan­ce of the appo­in­ted agents, the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee will not be res­pon­sib­le for retur­ning the­ir works. If the artists do need to return the works with the help of the appo­in­ted agents, the artists should nego­tia­te with the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee befo­re Sep­tem­ber 1st 2017.


VII. The Cata­lo­gue and Pub­li­ci­ty Mate­rials

  1. The cata­lo­gue: 635mm×965mm 1/16 color for­mat. In addi­ti­on to all par­ti­ci­pa­ting works, it inc­lu­des brief intro­duc­ti­ons to artists and short cap­ti­on of the art­works. Each par­ti­ci­pa­ting artist will have 2 cata­lo­gu­es.
  2. Exhi­bi­ti­on Guide and Tips for the Artists
  3. Color Poster
  4. Invi­ta­ti­on Cards


VIII. Sym­po­sium

  1. A one-day inter­na­ti­onal sym­po­sium with simul­ta­ne­ous inter­pre­ta­ti­on (in English) will be held after the ope­ning cere­mo­ny.
  2. The Cura­to­rial Com­mit­tee mem­bers, exhi­bi­ti­on par­ti­ci­pants, influ­en­tial art cri­tics, cura­tors, scho­lars and so on from both home and abro­ad will be invi­ted.
  3. Dis­cus­si­on will focus on the exhi­bi­ti­on the­me, for ins­tan­ce
  4. Befo­re July 15th 2017, selec­ted artists should send the sym­po­sium rece­ipt to the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee. The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee will select the repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, and cover 4 days’ accom­mo­da­ti­ons and food in Bei­jing only for fore­ign selec­ted artists who par­ti­ci­pa­te in the sym­po­sium (The com­pa­ni­on of the artists should pay all his/her cost by himself/herself, and deal with the visa to Bei­jing by them­sel­ves).


  1. Dona­ti­ons

The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee accepts volun­ta­ry dona­ti­on. If you deci­de to dona­te your art­work, ple­a­se indi­ca­te and sign at the end of the Cap­ti­on of Work Form. Your dona­ted work should be the ori­gi­nal art­work. The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee will issue a dona­ti­on cer­ti­fi­ca­te to the artist and hold dona­ti­on works exhi­bi­ti­ons at the right time.


  1. Cer­ti­fi­ca­te

The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee will issue Cer­ti­fi­ca­te for Selec­ti­on and Cer­ti­fi­ca­te for Dona­ti­on.


  1. Orga­ni­za­ti­ons

Spon­sors: Chi­na Fede­ra­ti­on of Lite­ra­ry and Art Circ­les

The People’s Govern­ment of Bei­jing Muni­ci­pa­li­ty

Chi­na Artists Asso­cia­ti­on

Chi­na Artists Asso­cia­ti­on will be res­pon­sib­le for conc­re­te imple­men­ta­ti­on.

Sup­por­ting Orga­ni­za­ti­on: (to be deter­mi­ned)

Co-orga­ni­za­ti­ons: (to be deter­mi­ned)

Coope­ra­ti­on Orga­ni­za­ti­ons: Chi­ne­se Embas­sies in Par­ti­ci­pa­ting Coun­tries, Embas­sies of Par­ti­ci­pa­ting Coun­tries in Chi­na, Coope­ra­ti­ve Orga­ni­za­ti­ons from Par­ti­ci­pa­ting Coun­tries

Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee:

The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee of the 7th Bei­jing Bien­na­le, com­po­sed of hono­ra­ry direc­tor, exe­cu­ti­ve direc­tor, depu­ty direc­tors and com­mit­tee mem­bers will coor­di­na­te orga­ni­za­ti­ons, sup­por­ting orga­ni­za­ti­ons, co-orga­ni­za­ti­ons and rela­ted depart­ments and is res­pon­sib­le for the pre­pa­ra­ti­on and exhi­bi­ti­on work of the 7th Bei­jing Bien­na­le. (the details need to be furt­her dis­cus­sed)


Cura­to­rial Com­mit­tee:

The Cura­to­rial Com­mit­tee of the 7th Bei­jing Bien­na­le (Cura­to­rial Com­mit­tee for short), com­po­sed of direc­tors of the orga­ni­za­ti­ons invol­ved, artists and invi­ted inter­na­ti­onal cura­tors under takes the aca­de­mic work of the Biennale’s pre­pa­ra­ti­on and exhi­bi­ti­on, inc­lu­ding recom­men­da­ti­on of spe­cial­ly invi­ted artists from home and abro­ad, selec­ti­on of art­works, plan­ning for the sym­po­sium and edi­to­rial work for the cata­lo­gue etc.

Coun­se­lors (2): Jin Shan­gyi, Shao Daz­hen

Chief Cura­tors (6): Zuo Zhon­gyi, Liu Dawei, Feng Yuan, Wang Ming­ming, Wu Weis­han, Xu Li

Cura­to­rial Team (19) (in the order of Chi­ne­se sur­na­me stro­kes):

Ding Ning, Ma Shu­lin, Wang Yong, Lu Yus­hun, Tian Liming, Liu Jin’an, Li Xian­gqun, Yang Fei­y­un, Zou Wen, Shang Hui, Zhang Xia­oling, Hang Jian, Hu Wei, Tao Qin, Zhu Di, Chao Ge, Dong Xia­oming, Tan Ping, Xue Yong­nian

Inter­na­ti­onal Cura­tors (4): Ven­cen­zo Sanfo(Italy), Bea­te Reifenscheid(Germany), Migu­el Angel Benavides(USA), Xenia Benivolski(Canada)

Con­ve­nors of Cura­to­rial Com­mit­tee (2): Tao Qin, Wang Yong

The Bei­jing Inter­na­ti­onal Art Bien­na­le Offi­ce, as well as the Inter­na­ti­onal Depart­ment of the Chi­na Artists Asso­cia­ti­on will be res­pon­sib­le for all the orga­ni­zing work.


Notes: The artists app­ly­ing to par­ti­ci­pa­te in this Bei­jing Inter­na­ti­onal Art Bien­na­le are all regar­ded as agre­e­ing with the abo­ve regu­la­ti­ons and the con­tent of the forms. The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee of the 7th Bei­jing Inter­na­ti­onal Art Bien­na­le 2017 has the sole right to explain the regu­la­ti­ons. All the items in this regu­la­ti­on are main­ly app­lied to the the­me exhi­bi­ti­on. The rights and obli­ga­ti­ons of the Spe­cial Exhi­bi­ti­on need to be furt­her dis­cus­sed bet­we­en the Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee and the orga­ni­zer of the Spe­cial Exhi­bi­ti­on.


The Orga­ni­zing Com­mit­tee of Bei­jing Inter­na­ti­onal Art Bien­na­le

March, 2016