I — III. Inter­na­ti­onal sym­po­sium Hom­ma­ge a Erna Masa­ro­vi­čo­vá Exhi­bi­ting aut­hors:  Mart­ti Aiha /fi, Jan Bah­na /sk, Daniel Bru­nov­ský /sk, Petr Císa­řov­ský /cz, Lea Feke­te /sk, Ján Hoffs­tad­ter /sk, Jan Hrie­šik /sk, Mar­tin Hanz­lí­ček...

BANALITY AND GRACE ‑14th Mini­tex­ti­le exhi­bi­ti­on

with inter­na­ti­onal par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of awar­ded aut­hors from 13th Mini­tex­ti­le exhi­bi­ti­on in 2011 Bri­git­te Amar­ger, Fran­ce, Ludwi­ka Zyt­kie­wicz, Poland a Mela­nie Gre­us­sing, Aus­tria   Cura­tor: Sil­via Fedo­ro­vá...

EVA CHMELOVÁ ‑Pain­tings

The exhi­bi­ti­on was held in coope­ra­ti­on with Pra­gue Socie­ty of Visu­al Artists Mánes.   Cura­tor: Ľubo­mí­ra Sluš­ná   Pho­tos: Andy Kozá­ro­vá

SNAKE, APPLE, COGNITION…EDEN? Dis­so­nant ins­tal­la­ti­on

Exhi­bi­ting aut­hors: Mem­bers of asso­cia­ti­on VEK­TO­RY­art: Mária Balá­žo­vá, Lýdia Jer­gu­šo­vá-Vyda­re­ná, Mar­ce­la Kup­čí­ko­vá, Róbert Urbá­sek Guest: Deni­sa Rakos­ký   Cura­tor: Lýdia Jer­gu­šo­vá-Vyda­re­ná   Pho­tos: Andy...