Design wit­hout bor­ders
by Aus­trian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Ger­man, Hun­ga­rian, Ita­lian, Polish, Por­tu­gu­e­se, Roma­nian, Slo­vak, Spa­nish and Swiss fur­ni­tu­re, tex­ti­le, object and jewel­le­ry desig­ners.

Design Wit­hout Bor­ders (DWB), one of the region’s most sig­ni­fi­cant inde­pen­dent all-arts exhi­bi­ti­ons and event series, sho­wca­ses works of desig­ners, fur­ni­tu­re, tex­ti­le and jewel­le­ry desig­ners and artists wor­king in other visu­al fields. Each year cir­ca 150 desig­ners from more than 10 coun­tries get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent the­ir work to the audien­ce in this 16-year-old pro­ject. The exhi­bi­ti­on is aug­men­ted by a rich selec­ti­on of sis­ter-arts events.
In Octo­ber 2020 the exhi­bi­ti­on was ope­ned in Buda­pest. In 2021 it would have also gone to Bra­ti­sla­va and Vien­na; howe­ver, the­se got can­cel­led due to the pan­de­mic. Ins­te­ad, an inno­va­ti­ve all-arts DWB vlog, pre­mie­ring on 7 May, pre­sen­ted the works of the 154 artists from 14 coun­tries in short 30–35 second videos. At the same time the­re was an onli­ne mee­ting in the FUGA BUDAPEST CENTER OF ARCHITECTURE, along­si­de Szil­via Szigeti’s tex­ti­le col­lec­ti­on “Futu­ris­tic”, Rita Góbi’s dan­ce etu­de and a con­tem­po­ra­ry clas­si­cal music con­cert by Róza Rad­nó­ti.

Cura­tors: Szi­ge­ti Szil­via and Rad­nó­ti Tamás



Design Wit­hout Bor­ders // @designwithoutbordersbudapest // // Sup­por­ted by Inter­na­ti­onal Viseg­rad Fund