Con­tem­po­ra­ry Nor­we­gian and Slo­vak Art — Uts­til­ling av nor­sk og slo­va­kisk sam­tid­skunst — Výsta­va súčas­né­ho nór­ske­ho a slo­ven­ské­ho ume­nia

Orga­ni­sers: Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts and Asso­cia­ti­on Grap­hi­ca Nor­ve­gi­ca


Cura­tor by: Lýdia Jer­gu­šo­vá-Vyda­re­ná Artists: Fran­ti­šek Bla­žo, Otis Lau­bert, Igor Miná­rik, Marián Mud­roch, Róbert Makar

Cura­tor by: Gre­te Mars­te­in Artists: Inge­la Adam­son, Harald Fenn, Hei­di Wexel­sen Gok­søyr, Tore Han­sen, Marian­ne Hau­ke­bø, Hen­nie Ann Isdahl, Rita Mar­haug, Eli­sa­beth T. Med­bøe, Øyvind Tor­se­ter

Cura­tor by: Deni­sa Rakos­ký Artists: Erik Bin­der, Mar­tin Der­ner, Jana Far­ma­no­vá, Vik­tor Fre­šo, Svä­top­luk Miky­ta, Andrea Péz­man, Len­ka Raj­ča­no­vá, Mar­tin Sed­lák, Vero­ni­ka Šra­ma­ty­o­vá


Under the Aus­pi­ces of:

Mare­ka Maďa­rič, the Minis­ter of Cul­tu­re of the Slo­vak Repub­lic

Jána Kubiš, the Minis­ter of Fore­ign Affairs of the Slo­vak Repub­lic

H.E. Brit Løv­seth, the Ambas­sa­dor of the Roy­al Nor­we­gian Embas­sy in the Slo­vak Repub­lic

Pho­tos: Mária Balog­ho­vá



CONTACT – Con­tem­po­ra­ry Nor­we­gian and Slo­vak Art belo­ngs to such sig­ni­fi­cant pro­jects which sup­port artis­tic dia­lo­gue among artists from dif­fe­rent coun­tries.

Con­tacts with world artists and orga­ni­zing exhi­bi­ti­ons was made possib­le thanks to the mem­bers­hip in the Inter­na­ti­onal Asso­cia­ti­on of Art – UNESCO, in which on a plat­form of mutu­al dis­cour­ses and sti­mu­li such pro­jects can be put for­ward and agre­ed.

The Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts thanks to its possi­bi­li­ties of using exhi­bi­ti­on spa­ce on Dosto­jev­ské­ho rad in Bra­ti­sla­va offe­red I.A.A.- UNESCO mem­bers com­mon recip­ro­cal exhi­bi­ti­ons in cer­tain time fra­mes alwa­ys in a dia­lo­gue of two coun­tries.

The first exhi­bi­ti­on of such kind is being held in August this year with Nor­we­gian artists thanks to acti­vi­ties of Her Excel­len­cy Brit Lov­seth, the Nor­we­gian Ambas­sa­dor to Slo­va­kia as well. Upon selec­ti­on of jury a col­lec­ti­on of art­works from 23 visu­al artists was put toget­her of whom 10 were Nor­we­gian and 13 Slo­vak. The selec­ti­on cri­te­ri­on focu­sed on the topi­ca­li­ty of art­works in the con­text of con­tem­po­ra­ry visu­al arts, quali­ty and tes­ti­mo­ny value.

Exhi­bit orga­ni­zors are awa­re of the pit­falls of such an exhi­bit based on diver­si­ty of nati­onal cul­tu­res, varie­ty of gen­res and tech­ni­qu­es. At the same time they hope it is this uni­qu­e­ness that will enrich the visu­al arts sce­ne in Slo­va­kia and Nor­way.