Exam­ples of recons­truc­ti­ons and repairs to the buil­ding during the last 10 years.

UMELKA Gal­le­ry — one of the oldest cul­tu­ral ins­ti­tu­ti­ons in Slo­va­kia: built by the Slo­vak Art Dis­cus­si­on Asso­cia­ti­on in the years 1925 — 1926, it has been ser­ving artists and the cul­tu­ral pub­lic wit­hout inter­rup­ti­on for 90 years. Sin­ce 1990, the buil­ding, kno­wn as UMELKA, has been the seat of the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts, which has gra­du­al­ly car­ried out the most exten­si­ve recons­truc­ti­on and revi­ta­li­za­ti­on of the buil­ding in its his­to­ry in the last deca­de. Below are exam­ples of pre­vi­ous modi­fi­ca­ti­ons and recons­truc­ti­ons.

Small Hall befo­re recons­truc­ti­on
Small Hall after recons­truc­ti­on
Exhi­bi­ti­on Ope­ning in Small Hall

Foy­er befo­re recons­truc­ti­on
Foy­er after recons­truc­ti­on
Exhi­bi­ti­on Ope­ning in Foy­er

Grat Hall befo­re recons­truc­ti­on
Gre­at Hall after recons­truc­ti­on
Exhi­bi­ti­on Ope­ning in Gre­at Hall

Exte­ri­or Faca­de befo­re recons­truc­ti­on
Exte­ri­or Faca­de after recons­truc­ti­on
Exte­ri­or Faca­de after recons­truc­ti­on

Cor­ner of the buil­ding after fire in 2012
Cor­ner of the buil­ding befo­re recons­truc­ti­on
Cor­ner of the buil­ding after recons­truc­ti­on

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