A pre­view of the his­to­ri­cal appe­a­ran­ce of the for­mer Ume­lec­ka bese­da buil­ding.

The for­mer buil­ding of Ume­lec­ka Bese­da (1924 — 1926; archi­tects Alo­is Balán and Jiří Gross­mann) beca­me a miles­to­ne in the deve­lop­ment of Slo­vak archi­tec­tu­re on its path to func­ti­ona­lism. Its archi­tec­tu­re, free from any decor, cle­ar­ly res­pec­ted the indi­vi­du­al func­ti­ons. Alt­hough the buil­ding is one of the smal­lest in the area, it domi­na­tes its sur­roun­dings and cre­a­tes its atmo­sp­he­re. It is one of the cul­tu­ral monu­ments of the Slo­vak Repub­lic.