Dear Pri­me Minis­ter:
The Euro­pe­an Coun­cil of Artists is an umbrel­la body of inter­dis­cip­li­na­ry artists’ coun­cils and artists’ asso­cia­ti­ons from 26 coun­tries. ECA has been infor­med of pro­po­sed legis­la­ti­ve chan­ges recen­tly were sub­mit­ted to the Slo­vak Par­lia­ment, which will inc­lu­de the abo­li­ti­on of the 40% tax-free allo­wan­ce cur­ren­tly in pla­ce in res­pect of artists’ inco­me.
Alt­hough diver­se, the works of artists are impor­tant assets for socie­ty. They pro­vi­de a com­mon ground for the popu­la­ti­on as well as means of expres­si­on for the dif­fe­rent groups in the socie­ty. They pro­vi­de spa­ces for ref­lec­ti­on as well as enter­tain­ment. As con­tent pro­vi­ders to the cul­tu­ral and cre­a­ti­ve indus­tries, artists also con­tri­bu­te to eco­no­mic gro­wth.
Des­pi­te artists’ con­tri­bu­ti­on to socie­ty and to the nati­onal eco­no­my, artis­tic work is gene­ral­ly not well paid and for many artists it is dif­fi­cult to make a living. The Slo­vak 40% tax-free allo­wan­ce is impor­tant to its artists.
The pro­po­sal to abo­lish the 40% tax-free allo­wan­ce has pro­vo­ked the artists and the cul­tu­ral sec­tor in Slo­va­kia to mobi­li­ze. ECA dec­la­res its sup­port for this move­ment and urges you to con­si­der the­ir posi­ti­on in the nego­tia­ti­ons that we unders­tand that you will be under­ta­king in the coming days.

Yours sin­ce­re­ly,

Micha­el Bur­ke Mad­rid, 10 Octo­ber 2011
pre­si­dent ECA