Dear col­le­a­gu­es and artist,

Asso­cia­ti­on of  Artist of Mace­do­nia is orga­ni­zing Third Inter­na­ti­onal Print Bien­nial — Skop­je, as an on line exhi­bi­ti­on amid COVID ‑19 situ­ati­on, on the web site an FB pro­fi­le of our Asso­cia­ti­on, in Novem­ber 2–30, 2020. The com­pe­ti­ti­on is open to all print­ma­king artist around the world.
Inte­res­ted artists must
-com­ple­te the entry form
-sub­mit a maxi­mum of 2 pho­tog­raphs in good reso­lu­ti­on (300 dpi) in pdf of jpg for­mat of the­ir prints
-cur­ri­cu­lum vitae of 300 word
-pay the entry fee of 20 euro
All requ­es­ted docu­ments must be send to the fol­lo­wing e‑mail add­ress:, no later then Octo­ber 20th 2020 , 11 p.m.
A jury com­po­sed of 5 experts and artist will make the selec­ti­on.
Entry form:
Asso­cia­ti­on of Artist of Mace­do­nia
No 12, Mace­do­nia Stre­et,
tel. + 389 2 3211 533

Друштво на ликовни уметници на Македонија

ул. Македонија бр. 12 (Дом на Армијата)
тел/факс: 02/3211 533