Mana­žér­ka SVÚ a pre­zi­dent­ka IAA Euro­pe A.K. Kozá­ro­vá  zastu­po­va­la 18. októb­ra 2021 obe orga­ni­zá­cie na onli­ne mee­tin­gu

PARI ! / Par­cours d’Accompagnement et de Réf­le­xi­on sur l’International

Prog­ram­me of Men­to­ring and Ref­lec­ti­on on the inter­na­ti­ona­li­sa­ti­on of prac­ti­ces

pod­po­re­né­ho fran­cúz­skym minis­ter­stvom kul­tú­ry a kor­di­no­va­né­ho orga­ni­zá­ci­ou On the Move

Cie­ľom stret­nu­tia bolo pre­zen­to­vať výstu­py sym­pó­zia Fair Pay for Artists fran­ko­fón­nym orga­ni­zá­ciám, témou teda opäť spra­vod­li­vé odme­ňo­va­nie výtvar­ní­kov za výsta­vy v jed­not­li­vých európ­skych kra­ji­nách.

Medzi­ná­rod­né akti­vi­ty Slo­ven­skej výtvar­nej únie aj v roku 2021 z verej­ných zdro­jov pod­po­ril Fond na pod­po­ru ume­nia.


10.00–10.10: Intro­duc­ti­on by Marie Le Sourd, On the Move (con­tents and tech­ni­ca­li­ties)

10.10–10.15: Short intro­duc­ti­on: who is the­re (name / orga­ni­sa­ti­on / country.ies)

10.15–10.25: Main conc­lu­si­ons of the 24th Sep­tem­ber sym­po­sium, with Tee­mu Mäki, Chair­man, the Artists’ Asso­cia­ti­on of Fin­land,

10.25–10.40: How will artists get paid in the futu­re? with a focus on visu­al artists’ pay situ­ati­on in Fin­land, with Tee­mu Mäki, Chair­man, the Artists’ Asso­cia­ti­on of Fin­land,

10.40–10.55: Fair remu­ne­ra­ti­on tools poli­cies, advan­ce­ments in the UK, chal­len­ges with Bre­xit with Wing-Sie Chan, Head of prog­ram­mes, a‑n, the Artists Infor­ma­ti­on Com­pa­ny, Uni­ted King­dom, https://www.a‑

10.55–11.00: Short bre­ak

11.00–11.30: Ques­ti­ons / Answers / Sha­ring of expe­rien­ces

11.30–11.50: What can be done on the advo­ca­cy side at a Euro­pe­an level to strengt­hen the issue of fair wor­king con­di­ti­ons in the arts and cul­tu­ral sec­tor, and par­ti­cu­lar­ly about fair remu­ne­ra­ti­on in the visu­al arts sec­tor?

11.50–12.00pm: Conc­lu­si­ons. Wha­t’s next?


- Tee­mu Mäki, Chair­man, the Artists’ Asso­cia­ti­on of Fin­land (expert and advo­ca­cy orga­ni­sa­ti­on in Fin­land repre­sen­ting ca. 3,000 pro­fes­si­onal artists) >

- Wing-Sie Chan, Head of prog­ram­mes, a‑n, the Artists Infor­ma­ti­on Com­pa­ny, Uni­ted King­dom (lar­gest artists’ mem­bers­hip orga­ni­sa­ti­on in the UK with over 24,000 mem­bers in the visu­al arts sec­tor) > https://www.a‑


- Mgr. Andrea Křís­tek Kozá­ro­vá, SUVA and UMELKA Gal­le­ry Mana­ger / Pre­si­dent of IAA Euro­pe (Inter­na­ti­onal Asso­cia­ti­on of Arts Euro­pe, with ca. 40 mem­bers repre­sen­ting visu­al arts pro­fes­si­onals in Euro­pe) >

- Jes­si­ca Murp­hy, Busi­ness Deve­lop­ment Offi­cer, a‑n, the Artists Infor­ma­ti­on Com­pa­ny, Uni­ted King­dom > https://www.a‑

- Cons­tan­ze Brock­mann, Pro­ject-mana­ger, IGBK, Ger­ma­ny (lob­by visu­al arts orga­ni­sa­ti­on in Ger­ma­ny / mem­ber of On the Move) >

- Chris­ti­ne Heem­soth, Tou­ring Artists / IGBK (Tou­ring Artists is an infor­ma­ti­on por­tal for inco­ming and out­go­ing mobi­li­ty in Ger­ma­ny / mem­ber of On the Move / part of the Mobi­li­ty Info Points) >