Milí pria­te­lia,

dáva­me do pove­do­mia výzvu k účas­ti na medzi­ná­rod­nej súťa­ži The Vic­tim of Vuko­var 1991. Orga­ni­zá­to­rom je náš par­tner v rám­ci IAA Euro­pe — Chor­vát­ska aso­ciá­cia výtvar­ných umel­cov.

Odbor­ná poro­ta vybe­rie šty­ri ešte nevy­sta­ve­né die­la, kto­ré budú pre­zen­to­va­né z júni 2020 v Záh­re­be, pri prí­le­ži­tos­ti chor­vát­ske­ho pred­sed­níc­tva Rady Európ­skej únie, násled­ne sa bude výsta­va konať v Mest­ské­ho múzea Vuko­var do kon­ca roku 2020.

Vybra­ní auto­ri obdr­žia odme­nu vo výš­ke 60 000 HRK, budú im pre­pla­te­né nákla­dy na spia­toč­nú pre­pra­vu diel, ces­tov­né a uby­to­va­nie na jed­nu noc na ver­ni­sáž výstav.

Súťaž je otvo­re­ná pre pro­fe­si­onál­nych umel­cov, obča­nov člen­ských štá­tov EÚ, kto­rí pra­cu­jú v oblas­ti vizu­ál­ne­ho ume­nia. Umel­ci sa môžu pri­hlá­siť jed­not­li­vo, vo dvo­j­iciach ale­bo ako súčasť ume­lec­ké­ho kolek­tí­vu. Ter­mín na pred­lo­že­nie pri­hlá­šok je 9.4.2020.

Viac infor­má­cií náj­de­te tu:

Cro­atian Asso­cia­ti­on of Fine Artists in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the Minis­try of Vete­rans’ Affairs con­ducts an inter­na­ti­onal visu­al arts com­pe­ti­ti­on The Vic­tim of Vuko­var 1991.

The aim of the inter­na­ti­onal visu­al arts com­pe­ti­ti­on The Vic­tim of Vuko­var 1991 is to estab­lish a dia­lo­gue with con­tem­po­ra­ry art prac­ti­ces based on the cul­tu­re of memo­ry and sym­bo­lism of war suf­fe­ring of the city of Vuko­var and gene­ra­te art­works that will be insc­ri­bed in the col­lec­ti­ve memo­ry.

The com­pe­ti­ti­on will select four new works of art (that have never been pre­sen­ted to the pub­lic) to be exhi­bi­ted in Zag­reb in June 2020, on the occa­si­on of the Cro­atian pre­si­den­cy of the Coun­cil of the Euro­pe­an Uni­on, after which the exhi­bi­ti­on will be held at the Vuko­var Muni­ci­pal Muse­um until the end of 2020.

The selec­ted artists will rece­i­ve an artist’s fee of HRK 60,000 gross each. Artists will be pro­vi­ded with return tran­s­port of the art­works, insu­ran­ce, and over­night and tra­vel expen­ses for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the exhi­bi­ti­ons.

Com­pe­ti­ti­on is open to pro­fes­si­onal artists, EU Mem­ber Sta­tes citi­zens, wor­king in the field of visu­al arts. Artists can app­ly indi­vi­du­al­ly, in pairs or as a part of an art col­lec­ti­ve. Dead­li­ne for sub­mis­si­on is 9.4.2020.

Works will be selec­ted by a jury con­sis­ting of: Ton­ko Maro­ević, aca­de­mi­cian, Bran­ko Fran­ces­chi, art his­to­rian, Kris­ti­jan Milić, film direc­tor, Boži­ca Dea Mata­sić, full pro­fes­sor of arts, Tomi­slav Bun­tak, asso­cia­te pro­fes­sor of arts, Ana Hol­je­vac Tuko­vić, PhD in His­to­ry, Mire­la Bute­rin, LLB.

More details on the com­pe­ti­ti­on is avai­lab­le HERE.