About us

Sin­ce 1991, the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts (Slo­ven­ská výtvar­ná únia, the­re­i­naf­ter SVU) has repla­ced the for­mer Uni­on of Visu­al Artists. It is a volun­ta­ry, apo­li­ti­cal, pro­fes­si­onal and pro­tec­ti­ve civic ins­ti­tu­ti­on asso­cia­ting artists, the­ore­ti­cians and wor­kers in the field of visu­al arts. The uni­on is a legal enti­ty acti­ve on the nati­onal level. It resi­des in the ori­gi­nal buil­ding of the for­mer Arts Asso­cia­ti­on of Slo­va­kia (1924, desig­ned by archi­tects Balan and Gross­man). The rights and duties of the mem­bers are regu­la­ted by the Sta­tu­tes of the Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts. Pur­su­ant to the sta­tu­tes, the SVU pro­mo­tes artis­tic acti­vi­ty, pro­tects spe­ci­fic inte­rests and secu­res the inter­na­ti­onal co-ope­ra­ti­on of its mem­bers


The Slo­vak Uni­on of Visu­al Arts is a mem­ber of the Inter­na­ti­onal Asso­cia­ti­on of Art — I.A.A. UNESCO, has a repre­sen­ta­ti­on in Exe­cu­ti­ve Com­mi­tee IAA EUROPE UNESCO, con­tri­bu­tes in pre­pa­ra­ti­on and mana­ging Con­fe­ren­ce on law and social sta­tus of Euro­pe­an artists (in Paris, Cen­tre Pompi­dou, 2008) and is a mem­ber of the Slo­vak Coali­ti­on for Cul­tu­ral Diver­si­ty. The mem­bers repre­sen­ting art fields are asso­cia­ted on the pro­fes­si­onal, gene­ra­ti­on and regi­onal bases.