SUVA­’s par­tner in the pro­ject “ART — modern cen­ter of art and com­mu­ni­ty” is a non-pro­fit orga­ni­za­ti­on SÍM — Sam­band Islen­skra Mynd­lis­tar­man­na — Ils­nad Asso­cia­ti­on of Fine Artists (foun­ded in 1982) based in Reyk­ja­vik, which is a long-term “col­le­a­gue” SUVA wit­hin the Inter­na­ti­onal Asso­cia­ti­on of Art, the lar­gest Euro­pe­an orga­ni­za­ti­on of pro­fes­si­onal artists.

Sin­ce 2002, it has been orga­ni­zing the regu­lar SIM Resi­den­cy prog­ram, which began by ren­ting a small stu­dio in cen­tral Reyk­ja­vik, and cur­ren­tly hosts more than 150 artists from around the world each year.

SÍM is loca­ted in three pla­ces: on Haf­nars­tra­e­ti, whe­re the SÍM gal­le­ry, offi­ce and guest hou­se, ope­ra­tes two resi­den­tial apart­ments in Sel­ja­ve­gur, a 10-minu­te walk from the city cen­ter, and Kor­púlfss­ta­ðir, loca­ted on the out­skirts of Reyk­ja­vík. The resi­den­ces are open to visu­al artists, cura­tors, wri­ters, rese­ar­chers and wor­kers in the cul­tu­ral and cre­a­ti­ve indus­tries.

SUVA and SÍM are pre­pa­ring an exchan­ge cre­a­ti­ve stay for Slo­vak and Ice­lan­dic artists for 2022 and 2023, we will inform you about the details. Cur­ren­tly, a resi­den­cy call is open for artists for the peri­od July — Decem­ber 2022, app­li­ca­ti­ons can be sub­mit­ted here: