Onli­ne Con­fe­ren­ce – UMELKA Modern Cen­ter of Art and Com­mu­ni­ty


On Feb­ru­ary 5, 2021 at 5:00 pm, on the occa­si­on of the begin­ning of the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject UMELKA – a modern cen­ter of art and com­mu­ni­ty,

which is sup­por­ted by grant from EEA grants and the sta­te bud­get of the Slo­vak Repub­lic in the Cul­tu­re prog­ram, was held an ope­ning onli­ne con­fe­ren­ce with a rich prog­ram.


Video recor­ding of the enti­re con­fe­ren­ce in Slo­vak and English:

Video edit in Slo­vak lan­gu­age and with sub­tit­les:


We also enc­lo­se a pre­ss rele­a­se for the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject in Slo­vak:

TS UMELKA moder­ne cen­trum ume­nia a komu­ni­ty