SUVA­’s fore­ign par­tner is SÍM (Sam­band íslen­skra mynd­lis­tar­man­na), Ice­lan­d’s lar­gest orga­ni­za­ti­on of pro­fes­si­onal artists based in Reyk­ja­vík.


The Asso­cia­ti­on of Ice­lan­dic Fine Artists (SÍM) was foun­ded in 1982 and today ser­ves as an inte­rest orga­ni­za­ti­on with 760 mem­bers. SÍM mem­bers are indi­vi­du­als or repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of pro­fes­si­onal asso­cia­ti­ons of artists. SÍM ser­ves as the umbrel­la orga­ni­za­ti­on of seven art asso­cia­ti­ons.

The main goal of SÍM is to impro­ve the sala­ry, social and legal sta­tus of artists, to take care of the­ir inte­rests and rights, it pro­vi­des free legal advi­ce. SÍM pre­pa­res vari­ous pro­jects for govern­ment agen­cies, appo­ints repre­sen­ta­ti­ves to coun­cils and com­mit­te­es, and pro­vi­des advi­ce on vari­ous cul­tu­ral poli­cy issu­es.

It pub­lis­hes the onli­ne maga­zi­ne STARA.

SÍM rents stu­di­os to its mem­bers in the wider cen­ter of Reyk­ja­vík. The Kor­púlfss­ta­ðir has vari­ous stu­di­os, exhi­bi­ti­on spa­ces and a gal­le­ry. The SÍM stu­di­os, loca­ted in Sel­ja­ve­gur, Nýlen­du­ga­ta, Súðar­vo­gur, Kor­púlfss­ta­ðir and Lyn­gás in Garða­bær, ser­ve almost 180 artists.

It also runs guest stu­di­os in Reyk­ja­vík for fore­ign resi­dent artists. They are loca­ted in Sel­ja­ve­gur and Kor­púlfss­ta­ðir and are used by an ave­ra­ge of 15 artists each month, for a total of 150 visi­ting artists each year. SÍM guest stu­di­os are an impor­tant part of Ice­lan­dic art life and the only one of its kind in Reyk­ja­vík.

SÍM mana­ges UMM.IS — an infor­ma­ti­on page about Ice­lan­dic visu­al art and its aut­hors. The site was cons­truc­ted using data from the Visu­al Arts Infor­ma­ti­on Cen­ter, which was laun­ched in 1995. The data­ba­se is extre­me­ly lar­ge and com­pre­hen­si­ve and has pro­ved inva­lu­ab­le to vari­ous cul­tu­ral asso­cia­ti­ons, visu­al artists, scien­tists, tea­chers and inter­na­ti­onal cura­tors.

More infor­ma­ti­on avai­lab­le on the web

SIM rezi­denč­né ate­li­é­ry