Due to pan­de­mic mea­su­res, Gal­le­ry Umel­ka was clo­sed to the pub­lic in the win­ter of 2020/2021. Thanks to the sup­port from grants from the Euro­pe­an Eco­no­mic Area and the sta­te bud­get of the Slo­vak Repub­lic wit­hin the pro­ject “UMELKA — Modern Cen­ter of Art and Com­mu­ni­ty”, we tried a new 3D tech­no­lo­gy and so spec­ta­tors could see the cur­rent exhi­bi­ti­on from the com­fort of the­ir homes. Thank you for the rea­li­sa­ti­on of 3D visu­ali­za­ti­on 3D Real — Vir­tu­ál­ne pre­hliad­ky :


As the 3D map­ping of the spa­ce pro­ved suc­cess­ful, we were able to pur­cha­se this 3D tech­no­lo­gy (Mat­ter­port Pro2) thanks to sup­port from grants from the EEA and the sta­te bud­get of the Slo­vak Repub­lic for the needs of the gal­le­ry in the futu­re. You will be able to find vir­tu­al tours of the exhi­bi­ti­ons on the web in a book­mark EXHIBITIONS: