(for English scroll below)

Andorr­ská komi­sia pri UNESCO spo­lu­pra­cu­je na orga­ni­zá­cii Art Cam­pu v Ríme.

Ten­to­krát ide o tvo­ri­vé stret­nu­tie umel­cov, kto­rí pochá­dza­jú z Talian­ska (Ita­lian nati­ves) ale­bo sú na úte­ku zo svo­jej kra­ji­ny (immigrants/refugees).

K pri­hlá­se­niu sa je potreb­ne riad­ne vypl­ne­ný pri­hla­so­va­cí for­mu­lár, CV a port­fó­lio.

Ter­mín uzá­vier­ky pri­hlá­šok je 3. janu­ár 2024.

Viac infor­má­cií náj­de­te v pri­lo­že­nom doku­men­te, prí­pad­ne môže­te kon­tak­to­vať orga­ni­zá­to­ra cnau.unesco@andorra.ad

Dear artists,

The Andor­ran Nati­onal Com­mis­si­on for UNES­Co is col­la­bo­ra­ting in the orga­ni­za­ti­on of an Art­Camp in Rome. In this case, it is a mee­ting of refu­gee or Ita­lian artists.
To sub­mit the app­li­ca­ti­on we will need the atta­ched form duly com­ple­ted, a CV and port­fo­lio.
App­li­ca­ti­ons will be accep­ted until Janu­ary 3.
You will find more details in the atta­ched docu­ment.